

Duration: 24 Hours
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React.js helps in creating interactive User Interfaces and designing Simple Views. This workshop is aimed at imparting the required knowledge required to build Rich Internet Applications (RIA) using React.js.

What You'll Learn

At the end of this training course, the participants will:
  • Understand what React.js is and what problem it solves
  • Explore the basic architecture of a React.js application
  • Gain a deep knowledge of React.js components and JSX
  • Build a working application that uses React.js’s components
  • Learn React.js best practices
  • Compose an application using Flux architecture
  • Know how to maintain application state in a Redux Store
  • Know how to do module bundling using webpack
  • Use React dev tools
Duration: 24 Hours


  • Classes
  • let and const
  • Arrow functions
  • Enhanced Object Literals
  • Destructuring
  • Spread Operator
  • Generators and Iterators
  • Symbols
  • Comprehensions
  • Async Programming using Promises
  • Using Babel.js

  • Classic Web applications vs. Rich Internet applications
  • Challenges in building Client centric applications
  • Benefits of RIA Frameworks
  • Where React.js fits in?

  • Introduction
    • Need for React.js
    • Advantages of Virtual DOM
  • View Components using JSX
    • JSX Syntax
    • Using JSX to create view classes
    • Creating views without using JSX
  • Models
    • Advantages of Immutability
  • Components
    • Component Life-Cycle
    • Virtual DOM
    • Component Events
    • Using States and Properties
    • Initializing States from properties
    • Accessing DOM nodes using refs
    • Synthetic Events
    • Component Compositions
    • Communication Between Components
    • Reusable Components
  • Forms
    • Controlled Components
    • Uncontrolled Components
  • Unit Testing React.js Components
  • js Best Practices

  • Introduction
    • Overview of Reactive programming
    • Benefits of Unidirectional data flow
  • Architecture
    • Building blocks in Flux
    • Dispatcher
    • Stores
    • Action
    • Views
  • Dispatcher
    • The role of dispatcher
    • Registering callbacks
    • Triggering Actions
  • Store
    • The role of Store
    • Maintain Application State
    • Event Broadcasting
  • Reducer
    • Creating Reducers
    • Retrieving State
    • Combining Reducers
  • Action Creator
    • Creating Actions
    • Dispatching actions to the dispatcher
    • Using Middleware
    • Dispatching Async Actions using Thunk middleware
  • Views
    • React Components as Views
    • State Subscribers
    • Updating data from the store
  • React-Redux Bindings
    • Binding Components to React Store using “Connect”
    • Injecting Redux Store using Provider
    • Using Providers with React Routers
  • Testing
    • Overview of Mocha & expect (chai.js)
    • Organizing Unit tests using Mocha
    • before & after setup
    • Performing assertions using expect
    • Using Karma.js
    • Using Jest for mocking dependencies
    • Testing React components
    • Testing Stores

  • Module Bundling Overview
  • Installation
  • Creating webpack configuration
  • Setting up webpack-dev-server
  • Configure automatic browser refresh
  • Loading Modules
  • Optimizing rebundling of react components
  • Using Less/Sass loaders
  • Hot loading components
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Must Have
  • Web development experience with intermediate level of expertise in JavaScript
Good to Have
  • Exposure to any server technology (J2EE, .NET, Ruby etc)

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    Ripple wave