
Google Cloud Platform Boot Camp

Live Classroom
Duration: 2 days
Live Virtual Classroom
Duration: 2 days
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Google’s public cloud offering – Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is gaining popularity, making it important for developers to learn about it. This boot camp covers the ground services from the Google Cloud Platform, and includes labs to help participants practice the concepts learnt during the course.

What You'll Learn

  • What makes GCP different from other platforms?
  • Overview of the GCP app engine
  • Overview of the GCP networking
  • Understand the GCP Compute Engine
  • Understand the GCP Kubernetes engine
  • Overview of the GCP Cloud Functions
  • Storage options on the GCP
  • The GCP Stackdriver


  • What makes GCP different?
  • GCP core fundamentals (services, projects, etc.)
  • Identity access management (IAM)
  • GCP console tour
  • Exercise: Create a GCP account and the first project

  • App engine overview
  • App engine management (requests, routes, instances)
  • App engine security: how to secure your applications by integrating it with other security services
  • Microservices on app engine: how to deploy and manage microservices based-applications
  • Standard environment: creating applications with pre-configured environments
  • Flexible environment: creating applications with containers or any other version of the supported languages
  • Exercise: Create a hello world with Go

  • Networking overview
  • VPC network: how it’s different from traditional networks
  • Network services: the different ones that GCP offers and how/when to use each one of them
  • Network tiers: the difference between standard and premium tiers
  • Network VPN: connect on-prem servers with GCP securely
  • How security works in networking

  • Compute engine overview
  • Virtual machine instances: the different types you can create and configure in GCP
  • Compute engine storage: how to integrate VMs with different storage options and when to use them
  • Compute engine networking: how networking works for VMs.
  • Compute engine security (ACL): secure VMs by integrating them with the IAM service and grant access to users
  • Creating high availability VMs that are always up and running
    • Load balancers
    • Scaling
    • Regions and zones
  • Exercise: Create and manage a VM

  • Kubernetes Engine overview: learn what is it and why you’d choose the Kubernetes managed service from GCP
  • Kubernetes clusters: learn how to administer Kubernetes in GCP as a platform
  • Deploying Kubernetes workloads to GKE
  • Configuring Kubernetes cluster security
  • Configuring Kubernetes cluster networking
  • Working with storage in GKE
  • Exercise: Deploy a containerized application

  • Cloud functions overview: learn about the serverless offering from GCP
  • js runtime: learn how to create Node.js functions
  • Python runtime: learn how to create Python functions
  • Events and triggers: integrating cloud functions with other GCP services
  • Adding security to functions
  • Exercise: Create an HTTP function interacting with storage

  • Storage options overview
  • Storage services: learn about the most relevant storage services in GCP
    • Bigtable: No-SQL service for high volumes of data and performing data analytics
    • Datastore: No-SQL service for high-value transactional data for high traffic applications
    • Firestore: No-SQL service for mobile applications
    • Cloud storage: learn about the object storage service
    • Cloud SQL: the managed service for relational DBs
    • Spanner: the managed horizontal scalable service for relational DBs
  • How to choose the proper storage option
  • Exercise: Create MySQL and PostgreSQL instances

  • Stackdriver monitoring overview
  • Logging and error reporting
  • Stackdriver APM: understanding and improving your applications with the different services from GCP
    • Stackdriver trace: a service used to know how requests are propagated in the application
    • Stackdriver debugger: a service used to know how to debug live running applications
    • Stackdriver profiler: a service used to monitor CPU and heap of applications
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Who should attend

This Google Cloud Platform training course is perfect for anyone wanting to gain working knowledge of the Google Cloud Platform. The course is highly recommended for –

  • Developers
  • Data scientists
  • Network administrators
  • System administrators
  • IT managers, IT directors, CIOs and CTOs


There are no prerequisites for this course.

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