Backbone.js is a JavaScript library which is designed for developing single page web applications and for keeping various segments of web application synchronized.
Backbone is lightweight, the minimal set of data-structuring and user interface, allows the developer a choice of extension for enhanced functionality.
What You'll Learn
At the end of Backbone.js training course, participants will:
- Build responsive client-side web applications using Backbone.js
- Set up applications from start to end
- Display information using Views
- Update server-side data using forms
- Change views using Router
- Extract common code components
- Improve an application performance
- Extending Backbone.Model
- Constructors
- Model Attributes
- Model Functions
- Validation
- REST Services
- Events
- Extending Backbone.Collection
- Constructors
- Manipulating Collections
- Traversing a Collection
- Events
- Extending Backbone.View
- Rendering Content and Manipulating the DOM
- Templating with Underscore.js
- Templating with HandleBars.js
- Extending Backbone.Router
- History
- Route Parameters
- Events
- Changing the Route
- Using the Router as a Controller
- Binding / Unbinding Events
- Event Gotchas (i.e. listenTo vs. on)
- Triggering Events
- Event Aggregator
- Application View
- Application Architecture
- Building the Application for Deployment
Basic knowledge in JavaScript and some experience in building web application is required.