Spring Boot is a Spring framework module that equips the it with the RAD (Rapid Application Development) feature. Cognixia’s Spring Boot Developer course trains participants extensively in the application of Spring using Maven for project and dependency management, and testing their projects in the lab using Junit. It covers the benefits of the Spring framework and how to leverage it better by combining it with other technologies and frameworks. During the course, participants would be acquainted to concepts of Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection to better comprehend how to work with containers and their key components. The course also explores the improved Spring 4.x configuration management options including XML, annotations, JavaConfig and the Spring Expressions language.
What You'll Learn
- Relationship between Spring and JEE, AOP, IOC, JDBC, Hibernate, JSF, Struts, JMS, and EJBs
- Configuring the framework with XML, annotations and JavaConfig
- Working on integrating persistence into a Spring application
- Assimilating different view-oriented frameworks for web applications into Spring
- Working with Spring Boot and JavaConfig to develop Spring applications
- Spring Architecture
- Dependency Injection
- Spring DI Container
- Bean creation using Factories
- Configuration options – XML, Annotations, JavaConfig
- Use of Lambda expressions and method references in Spring
- Tutorial: Setup Eclipse Neon for Using Maven
- Exercise: Hello World Spring Application
- Exercise: Configuring Dependencies
- Spring's Pre-Built Factory Beans
- PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer
- Custom Property Editors
- Lazy Bean Resolution
- Ordered Autowiring
- Using Configuration Classes
- Organizing Configuration Classes
- Exercise: Advanced Configuration
- Aspect Oriented Programming
- Cross Cutting Concerns
- Spring's AOP in a Nutshell
- The Three Technologies of "Weaving"
- Spring Advice Types
- Exercise: Spring AOP - Combined Advice
- Exercise: Spring AOP - Around Advice
- Understand the Spring IO Platform
- Understand the IO Bill of Materials
- Understand the IO Foundation
- Learn how the IO Execution will be leveraged
- Learn how Spring Cloud is used for Platform Coordination
- What is Spring Boot
- Explore Spring Boot starters
- Examine Spring Boot’s AutoConfiguration as well as its command-line interface (CLI)
- Understand the Spring Boot Actuator
- Spring Boot JPA Starter
- Examine Spring Boot’s AutoConfiguration
- Understand the Spring Conditionals
- Understand Spring Boot DevTools
- Exercise: Create a "REST JPA Repository"
- Explore additional Spring Boot starters
- Bootstrapping Spring Boot
- Understand Spring Boot Actuators
- Create and run a Spring Thymeleaf MVC application
- Exercise: Create a “Thymeleaf MVC With JPA Repository”
Who should attend
- Java Developers/Engineers
- Application Developers
- Full stack engineers
- Product engineers
- Software engineers/developers