
RESTful Web Services

Duration: 16 Hours
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This REST Training program helps participants build an expertise in Representational State Transfer (REST); the course covers topics like Designing REST services, building JAX-RS services, understanding JAX-RS injection and other important aspects.

What You'll Learn

After completion of RESTful Web Services Training course, participants will be able to:
  • Design RESTful services
  • Build JAX-RS services
  • Understand JAX-RS injection
  • Configure HTTP content negotiation
  • Scale JAX-RS applications
  • Build RESTful clients
  • Compare & contrast JAX-RS implementations
Duration: 24 Hours


  • Legacy Systems
  • Benefits of Web Services
  • Architecture
Standards and Portability
  • XML and Related Standards
  • JSON
  • HTTP
SOAP-Based Services
  • Overview
  • SOAP Messages, Requests, and Responses
  • WSDL
  • Java APIs and Programming Models

Overview and Principles
  • REST Characteristics
  • Resources and Operations
  • REST Principles
  • Requests and Responses
  • URI Templates
  • Safe and Idempotent Methods
  • Comparison of REST and SOAP

APIs and Implementations
  • JAX-RS Overview, Annotations
  • JAX-RS Implementations
Runtime Environment
  • Application Server, Servlet-Only Container
  • Architectural and Implementation Perspectives
  • Configuring the Application
Applications, Resources, and Providers
  • JAX-RS Applications
  • Resource Classes and @Path
  • Provider Classes and @Provider
  • Default Lifecycles
  • The Application Class and rest-path
Ajax-JavaScript Clients
  • Overview
  • Classic vs. Ajax Interactions
  • Working with Ajax-JavaScript

Resources and Sub-Resources Root Resource Classes, Resource Methods, Sub Resource Methods @GET, @POST, @PUT, @DELETE
  • Sub Resource Locators
  • Naming Conventions and Rules
  • Dispatching Requests to Methods
Binding Request Data Request Data Injection and Conversion
  • Default Values
  • Fields vs. Method Parameters
Context-Based Injection
  • Injection via @Context
  • Context-Injectable Types
  • Context Injection from the Web Container
  • Fields vs. Method Parameters

Complex Content and Entities Working with Complex Content
  • @Consumes and @Produces
  • Content Negotiation
  • Standard Entity Providers
Working with JSON Returning Data as JSON
  • Working with JSON in JavaScript
  • Processing JSON Responses
Working with XML JAXB and Mapping to XML
  • Returning Data as XML
  • Working with XML on the Client
  • Customizing Content, Custom Media Types
  • Working with Collections

Response Class Return Types and HTTP Response Codes
  • Appropriate Responses for HTTP Methods
  • Choosing the Right Response
Error Handling Exception Mappers
  • Web Application Exception
  • Response vs. Thrown Exception
  • Error Responses
Sub Resource Locators Motivation and Uses
  • Locating the Locator
  • Initializing the Sub Resource
Binary Content
  • File, InputStream, StreamingOutput
  • Using StreamingOutput

  • Java Client – Options and Ingredients
  • Building and Sending the Request
  • Consuming the Response
  • Options for the Response Data
  • Asynchronous Requests

Integration with EJB CDI – Contexts and Dependency Injection
  • Activation, Scopes, and JAX-RS Lifecycles
  • Injection in CDI-Enabled JAX-RS Applications
  • Enhanced Java EE Lifecycle

Java EE Security Overview
  • Security Requirements in JAX-RS
  • Declarative, Role-Based Security
  • Security Constraints
  • Annotation-Based Security Authentication
  • Configuration
  • Authentication Models: Basic, Digest, Client-Cert Programmatic Security
  • Security Context
  • Client Security HTTPS
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Participants must have knowledge of Java development. Experience in Java EE development is recommended however not mandatory.

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