

Duration: 16 Hours
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Puppet is a tool that enables one to automate the IT infrastructure. This course would focus on making the participants proficient in the Puppet tool and enabling them to exercise control over each Puppet agent in a network.

What You'll Learn

Upon completion of the Puppet course, participants would be well versed with:
  • Puppet Infrastructure<
  • Setting up Learning Environment<
  • Resources, RALs and Manifests<
  • Modules, Ordering and the Trifecta<
  • Variables and Facts<
  • Code Compression<
  • Puppet Master/Agent and Forge<
Duration: 16 Hours


  • How puppet works
  • Puppet Architecture
  • Master and Agents
  • Puppet terminology and about Manifests
  • Installation and Configuration
  • Installing Puppet
  • Configuring Puppet Master and Agent
  • Connecting Agents

Puppet configuration files

  • The declarative language
  • Resources
  • Using Basic resources like file, exec, package service
  • Resource Collectors
  • Virtual Resources
  • Exported Resources
  • Manifests
  • Modules and Classes
  • Class Parameters
  • Defined Type

  • Static Contents Explosion
  • Using Dynamic Content with Templates
  • Templates Overview
  • ERB

  • NTP Module
  • Users Module
  • SSH
  • Sudo

  • Understanding the Puppet Forge
  • Module structure
  • Install LAMP with preexisting modules

  • Installing Apache Tomcat with Puppet Modules
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  • Basic understanding of Linux\Unix system concepts
  • Familiarity with Command Line Interface (CLI)
  • Familiarity with a Text Editor

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    Ripple wave