

Duration: 16 Hours
Pattern figure


The Kubernetes course would help participants learn components in the Kubernetes architecture while also teaching them useful commands for deploying and managing a cluster.

What You'll Learn

Upon completion of the course, participants would be able to:
  • Install Docker and a Kubernetes cluster from scratch
  • How to run and manage containers effectively
  • Create Kubernetes pods, deployments, and services
  • Building Docker images and configure Docker Hub from scratch
  • Establish a multi-component software application efficiently and easily
Duration: 16 Hours


  • What is Kubernetes
  • Host centric vs Container Centric Platforms
  • Platform as a Service
  • Kubernetes based Platforms
  • Openshift
  • Eldarion
  • deis

Installing Kubernetes

Key Kubernetes Concepts

  • Pod
  • Service
  • Volume
  • Namespace

  • ReplicaSet
  • Deployment
  • StatefulSet
  • DaemonSet
  • Job

  • Kubernetes Master
  • Kubernetes Nodes

  • Master Components
  • kube-apiserver
  • etcd
  • kube-controller-manager
  • cloud-controller-manager
  • kube-scheduler
  • addons
  • DNS
  • kube-ui
  • Container Resource Monitoring
  • Cluster-level Logging

  • kubelet
  • kube-proxy
  • docker
  • rkt
  • supervisord
  • fluentd


Kubectl basics

  • Pods basics
  • Scheduling a Container

  • Commands
  • Arguments
  • Environment Variables
  • Secrets
  • PodPreset

  • Stateless
  • Stateful

  • Expansion
  • Course-Grained
  • Fine-Grained

  • Web UI
  • External Load Balancer
  • Firewall Configuration

  • Healthchecks
  • Logging
  • ELK Stack
  • Debugging Techniques
  • Troubleshooting

Persistent volumes

Resource limits

Replication Controller

Using TLS

Accessing the Kubernetes API



  • Manual Scaling
  • Horizontal Pod Autoscaler



Node selector

  • Administering a Cluster
  • Administering Federation
  • Managing Cluster Daemons
  • Managing GPUs

Service accounts & Secrets

Ingress controller

Rolling Update for Zero Downtime deployments

Ripple wave

Who should attend

Basic knowledge of Windows Command line

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    Pattern figure
    Ripple wave