The Introduction to programming and coding | C# .Net basics for non-developers course helps participants acquire coding skills and learn about the best practices for developing object-oriented programs and applications with C# .Net. the course helps build a strong foundation for .Net programming to assist participants in their roles as a developer. The course is a beginner-level course, targeted towards non-developers, and discusses introductory concepts in C# .Net development.
Why this
- Application development cycle
- Structure of programs
- Specific language syntax
- Error handling techniques
- Console and file I/O
- String and character manipulation
- Using collections
- Object-oriented programming concepts
What You'll Learn
Anyone who wants to have a basic understanding of coding C# .Net applications and syntax would find this course useful.
- Overview of Programming Concepts
- Understanding the Structure of a C# Program
- Understanding Data Types
- Working with Variables
- Reading From and Writing to the Console
- Overview of the .NET Framework
- Using Visual Studio
- Thinking Like a Programmer
- Designing Algorithms
- Finding Patterns in Code
- Conditional Constructs
- Working with if/else Constructs
- Working with switch
- Looping Constructs
- Working with while Constructs
- Working with for and foreach
- Thinking Like a Programmer
- Making Decisions
- Designing Loops
- Using Integer Data Types
- Using Floating Point Data Types
- Using Characters and Strings
- Using Dates
- Using Booleans
- Working with Constants and Literals
- Defining and Calling Subroutines
- Defining and Calling Functions
- Understanding Variable Scope
- Overloading Procedures
- Passing Parameters
- Understanding by value vs by reference Parameters
- Understanding the Call Stack
- Thinking Like a Programmer
- Finding the Procedures
- Refactoring
- Improving Productivity with Snippets
- Understanding Object-Oriented Concepts
- Designing Classes
- Coding Properties and Methods
- Initializing Objects with Constructors
- Overloading Constructors
- Declaring and Instantiating Objects
- Calling Properties and Methods
- Understanding Value Types vs. Reference Types
- Working with Shared Data Members and Methods
- Thinking Like a Programmer
- Finding your Classes
- Understanding the Role of Namespaces
- Understanding .NET Namespaces
- Defining Custom Namespaces
- Referencing Members in a Namespace
- Using the using Statement
- Understanding Arrays
- Declaring and Instantiating Arrays
- Iterating through Arrays
- Working with System.Array Methods
- Copying, Sorting, Searching and Resizing
- Passing Arrays to Methods
- Working with param array Parameters
- Working with Command-line Arguments
- Understanding .NET Collections
- Managing Data Using List
- Managing Data Using Dictionary
- Working with LINQ
- Making LINQ Queries
- Enumerating LINQ Query Results
- Working with Anonymous Types
- Using Extension Methods with LINQ
- Understanding Inheritance
- Building Derived Classes
- Understanding Constructors in Derived Classes
- Defining and Using Protected Class Members
- Understanding Polymorphism
- Defining Overridable Methods
- Overriding Methods
- Understanding Abstract Classes
- Defining Abstract Classes
- Inheriting from Abstract Classes
- Overview of Windows forms
- Designing forms
- Working with controls
- Using labels and textboxes
- Using buttons
- Using checkboxes and radio buttons
- Using menus
- Using list controls
- Handling events
- Understanding the ADO.Net object model
- Opening connections
- Executing queries using commands
- Iterating through results using DataReaders
- Calling stored procedures
- Passing parameters to stored procedures
- Working with DataSets
- Binding data to controls
- Understanding exception handling
- Using try/catch to handle exceptions
- Working with the exception class
- Understanding exception propagation
- Using finally to manage cleanup processing
- Throwing exceptions
- Using the System.IO Namespace
- Discovering Drives
- Working with Directories
- Working with Files
- Parsing a File Path
- Understanding Streams
- Working with FileStream
- Reading and Writing Text Files
- Understanding other Types of Streams
- Working with the String Class
- Working with String Literals and Escape Sequences
- Understanding String Manipulation Performance Issues
- Working with the StringBuilder Class
- Formatting Output with String.Format
- Building Large Scale Applications
- Designing N-Tier Applications
- Building .NET Assemblies
- Referencing Assemblies
There are no prerequisites for this course.