
Angular 4.0 Training

Duration: 32 Hours
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Angular is one of the most popular structured JavaScript frameworks for creating robust and dynamic web applications with ease. Cognixia’s Angular 4.0 Training course lets participate learn about Angular 4.0, JavaScript, and the MVC Framework.

Angular 4.0 Certification
This is a comprehensive course that will help participants learn the concepts of Angular 4.0, JavaScript, and the MVC Framework. The training covers various Angular 4.0 modules in third-party routes, filters, and Node.js, along with dependency injection and integration with MVC.

Why take Training on Angular 4.0?
It utilizes comparatively lesser lines of code and uses an HTML framework at the core with expanded indexing and reach. Moreover, Angular 4.0 can work very easily with MVC components, and that is one of the reasons why it is the most popular choice for web application development. This course gives you a proper hands-on experience of working with Angular 4.0.

What You'll Learn

  • Difference between Angular 1.x and Angular 4.0
  • Understanding Component Architecture
  • Dependency Injection Design Pattern
  • ng Setup
  • Creating Angular Applications
  • Gathering Project Requirements
  • Building the Component
  • Building the Module
  • Referring to a Module in Another Module
  • Component Lifecycle
  • RxJS – Reactive Programming
  • Working with RxJS with Angular 4.0
  • Rest API calls
  • Build in Directives
  • Providers
  • Creating Pipes
  • Advances Angular 4.0
  • Setting Up Reverse Proxy with Web Server
Who can Take Angular 4.0 Training?
  • Software Developers, Application Developers, IT professionals
  • Web Developers
  • Software Architects
  • Professionals and newcomers who want to make their careers in Web Development
Duration: 32 Hours


Difference between Angular 1.X and Angular 4.0

Understanding Component Architecture

Dependency Injection Design Pattern

  • Initializing Angular
  • Initializing Web page.
  • Set up VS
  • Adding required templates to VS
  • Set up GIT LAB

  • Understanding setup files
  • Understanding Architecture of Application
  • Building Hello World

Gathering Project Requirements

  • Understanding the decorators
  • Understanding the Selectors
  • Understanding the Providers
  • Referring the Component in the Application
  • Adding Component to the module

  • Understanding NG Module
  • Declarations
  • Imports
  • Exports
  • Providers

Referring to a Module in Another Module

  • Understanding Component Life Cycle Hooks
  • Understanding various Interfaces
  • Consuming Classes in Component
  • Consuming Interfaces in Component
  • Consuming Component in a Component

  • Understanding what is Reactive Programming?
  • What are Observables?
  • What is a Subject?
  • Map Method

Working with RxJS with Angular 4.0

  • HTTP Calls with Observables
  • Error Handling
  • Streaming
  • Integrating with third party API”s

  • Pagination
  • Calendar
  • More

  • * ngFor
  • * ngIf , Else
  • Show and Hide elements
  • Rendering Images in Angular 0
  • Rendering Tables in Angular 0

  • How to Use Providers
  • Communicate with Component
  • Working with RxJS in Providers

  • Understanding Build in Pipes
  • Creating Custom Pipes

  • Working with Routing
  • Authenticating and Authorization
  • Component to Component Communication
  • Understanding input output methods
  • Understanding Subjects
  • Understanding Event Emitters
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There are no pre-requisites for this course. However, having a basic knowledge of JavaScript can help.


Certified Industry Experts/Subject Matter Experts with immense experience under their belt.

Lifetime access to the Learning Management System (LMS) will be provided, which includes Class Recordings, Presentations, Sample Code, and Projects.

Candidates need not worry about losing any training session. They will be able to view the available recorded sessions on the LMS. We also have a technical support team to assist candidates in case they have any query.

To attend the live virtual training, at least 2 Mbps of internet speed would be required.

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