The Maven training teaches participants how to automate the build of Java projects using the Maven tool.
What You'll Learn
Upon completion of the Maven training course, the participants would be able to:
- Download and install Maven
- Build a project
- Work with Maven’s directory structure, plug-in, repositories, and more
- Understand the Project Object Model (POM)
- Build a complete web application using Maveen
- What is Kubernetes
- Host centric vs Container Centric Platforms
- Platform as a Service
- Kubernetes based Platforms
- Openshift
- Eldarion
- deis
Installing Kubernetes
Key Kubernetes Concepts
- Pod
- Service
- Volume
- Namespace
- ReplicaSet
- Deployment
- StatefulSet
- DaemonSet
- Job
- Kubernetes Master
- Kubernetes Nodes
- Master Components
- kube-apiserver
- etcd
- kube-controller-manager
- cloud-controller-manager
- kube-scheduler
- addons
- kube-ui
- Container Resource Monitoring
- Cluster-level Logging
- kubelet
- kube-proxy
- docker
- rkt
- supervisord
- fluentd
Kubectl basics
- Pods basics
- Scheduling a Container
- Commands
- Arguments
- Environment Variables
- Secrets
- PodPreset
- Stateless
- Stateful
- Expansion
- Course-Grained
- Fine-Grained
- Web UI
- External Load Balancer
- Firewall Configuration
- Healthchecks
- Logging
- ELK Stack
- Debugging Techniques
- Troubleshooting
Persistent volumes
Resource limits
Replication Controller
Using TLS
Accessing the Kubernetes API
- Manual Scaling
- Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
Node selector
- Administering a Cluster
- Administering Federation
- Managing Cluster Daemons
- Managing GPUs
Service accounts & Secrets
Ingress controller
Rolling Update for Zero Downtime deployments
Core Java and Java Web programming experience are mandatory