Spring Boot allows Java developers to create standalone Spring applications that “just run,” typically using an embedded instance of Tomcat, Jetty, or Undertow.
What You'll Learn
After completion of spring boot course training, participants will be able to:
- Learn the fundamentals of Groovy, which is required for scripting Spring Boot
- Install the Spring Boot Command Line Interface (CLI)
- Build and deploy Spring Boot applications
- Spring Boot Overview
- Features Of Spring Boot
- Creating a new Spring Boot Project using the CLI
- Creating a new Spring Boot Project using the STS
- Understanding the POM file
- Understanding the Spring Boot Starters
- Understanding Application.java
- Understanding application.properties
- Understanding ApplicationTests.java
- Creating a new Spring Boot Project using the Spring Initializer
- Understanding the Spring Boot auto configuration
- Overriding the default configuration values
- Changing the location of the configuration file
- Reading the Custom Properties
- Using a .yml file for configuration
- Using multiple Configuration files
Changing the Default Embedded Web Server
Implementing the Data Access Layer With Spring Data JPA and Hibernate
Implementing the Service Layer
Implementing the Controller Layer-Spring Rest API
Spring Security Integration with Spring Boot
Spring Boot Logging
HealthCheck and Metrics Using Actuators
Participants must have strong understanding of Spring Core and ideally Spring MVC.