
Spring Cloud

Duration: 24 Hours
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Master core concepts of Spring Cloud Data Flow and the associated technologies used for processing data streams, Spring Cloud Data Flow analytics by using counters and Gauges with Spring Cloud Data Flow architecture. Gain experience with hands-on to install Spring Cloud Data Flow, create and leverage Spring Cloud Data Flow Streams, create custom Spring Cloud Data Flow Stream applications by using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud Stream and how to create and leverage Spring Cloud Data Flow Tasks by using Spring Cloud Task and Spring Batch.

What You'll Learn

At the end of the training, you will be able to:
  • Spring Cloud Data Flow and technologies used for processing data streams and batches
  • How to install Spring Cloud Data Flow
  • Spring Cloud Data Flow architecture
  • How to create and leverage Spring Cloud Data Flow Streams
  • How to create custom Spring Cloud Data Flow Stream applications by using – Spring Boot and Spring Cloud Stream
  • How to create and leverage Spring Cloud Data Flow Tasks by using Spring – Cloud Task and Spring Batch
  • Spring Cloud Data Flow analytics by using counters and gauges
Duration: 24 Hours


  • Spring Cloud Data Flow introduction
  • Architecture
  • Pivotal cloud foundry (PCF) primer
  • Introduction to streams
  • Spring boot primer
  • Spring cloud stream
  • Spring cloud task
  • Analytics
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Basic understanding of:
  • Spring
  • Basic OS commands from Shell and CMD
  • Basic Java development skills, including ability to run Apache Maven commands.
  • GitHub Account
  • Basic knowledge of Cloud Foundry and Cloud Foundry CLI
  • Following software installed
  • Java 1.8 JDK
  • STS IDE or any other IDE
  • MySQL, Redis and RabbitMQ for local development

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