
Web Services

Duration: 24 Hours
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With our Web Services course, you will learn the differences between SOAP-based and REST-style services, as well as why both approaches are considered superior to distributed-object architecture, such as Java EE and .NET frameworks.

What You'll Learn

After completion of Web Services training course, participants will be able to:
  • Define a web service
  • Deploy a web service within Apache Axis
  • Understand the SOAP protocol
  • Understand SOAP messages passed between server and client
  • Create, read and understand the Web Services Description Language files
  • Working with Web service stubs for both Java and non Java based services
  • Understand where Web services fit in the Java EE framework
  • Understand Web service security
  • Identify best practices for Web service development
  • Understand alternative architectures such as REST for Web services
Duration: 24 Hours


  • What is a Web service?
  • Overview of SOAP;
  • Conveying SOAP over HTTP
  • RPC vs. Document formatting
  • SOAP Encoded vs. Literal serialization
  • The State of Play

  • Creating and Consuming a Web service in Java
  • Overview of the Java Web Services Stack (Metro)
  • Creating a Java Web service;
  • Generating a Web service Proxy
  • Calling a Web service from a client application

  • Overview of WSDL
  • Understanding WSDL services and Ports
  • Bindings
  • Messages
  • Schema

  • Overview of JAXB
  • Simple marshalling
  • Custom marshalling
  • Unmarshalling
  • Using JAXB in a Web Service

  • Message exchange Patterns
  • Parameter passing modes
  • One-way Messaging

  • Exception handling
  • SOAP faults
  • Asynchronous Web methods

  • Overview of handlers
  • Defining logical handlers
  • Defining SOAP handlers
  • Accessing transport headers

  • Overview of binary data and SOAP
  • Returning base64-encoded Binary Data
  • Specifying the MIME type
  • Optimizing Binary Data

  • Overview of Java Enterprise Edition
  • Example Java EE application
  • The role of Web Services

  • Overview of RESTful Web services
  • Overview of the Java API for XML RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS)
  • Creating a RESTful Web Service
  • URI path templates
  • Accessing additional HTTP info
  • RESTful Design Patterns

Contract-First Web Services
  • Creating a WSDL contract
  • Creating interoperable WSDL
  • Generating a Web Service from WSDL
Web Service Security Overview
  • Transport-level Security
  • Message-level Security
  • Overview of WSIT Security
  • Common Administration tasks
  • Transport-level user authentication
Web Service Security Examples
  • Username authentication with Symmetric Keys
  • Mutual Certificates Security
  • Transport Security (SSL)
  • SAML Authorization over SSL
Orchestrating Web Services
  • Achieving orchestration with BPEL
  • BPEL Control Flow and Compensation
  • BPEL – State of the Industry
Enterprise Service Buses (ESB)
  • What is an ESB?
  • Understanding the role of ESBs in Service Oriented Architecture
  • ESB case studies
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For understanding web services, participants must have:
  • OOD understanding of java and xml
  • Distributed Computing knowledge, not mandatory

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