DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION Generative AI is here: Does your company have the DNA to make it work?

Generative AI is here: Does your company have the DNA to make it work?

Generative AI technologies (hereafter referred to as GenAI), like ChatGPT and others, are rapidly changing the way businesses operate, automate, and connect, while generating never-before-seen processes, data, text, images, simulations, and video.

Nearly all the attention thus far has focused on exploring this technology and its use cases - and rightly so. However, now is the time to focus on how your company will need to adjust or recode to get the promised outcomes and value while also managing its risks. Taking no action may lead to a loss of talent, competitive advantage, and market share.

In our conversations with business leaders there are three key questions at the forefront of their minds:

1) How will GenAI impact my business – from a strategic, competitive, and business model perspective?

2) How can I ensure that my organization and my people are ready and enabled to adopt GenAI – without completely disrupting our culture and ways of working?

3) How can I deploy GenAI quickly, safely, and ethically – ensuring that we can take advantage of its capabilities, without compromising privacy, security, and values?

The potential benefits of GenAI are immense. One of the keys to getting this right is to identify the business imperatives you need this technology to address rather than treating it as a hammer looking for every possible nail. Without this business clarity, you can easily get swept up into in a swirl of “random acts of digital” mistaking ‘activity’ for progress and ‘deployment’ for actual adoption.

To be very direct, our research, independently and together, with MIT on digital DNA and digital transformation, reveals it’s very unlikely that many companies have their DNA already tuned and ready to get the promised value and manage the risks of GenAI. Most organization’s DNA was not designed with this technology in mind, but it can be adjusted, aligned, or recoded to unlock the promise of generative AI.

The GenAI DNA FrameworkTM provides a roadmap and methods to help companies reduce risks, increase adoption, accelerate benefits, and achieve their business intentions while keeping the frustrations and costs of “random acts of digital” at a minimum.

To make the needed changes to your company’s DNA requires aligning and ‘recoding’ key elements of your organization’s DNA in the following areas:

Organize: Structure & Work, Physical Environment, Capabilities, Geographies
Operate: Governance, Technology, Talent, Processes
Behave: Leadership, Performance, Reward, Policies

Dive deeper in to our analysis of GenAI by downloading the PDF article. If you'd like to have further discussions about how GenAI affects your organization, reach out to Garth Andrus.

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