
SharePoint Development

Duration: 24 Hours
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The SharePoint development training course introduces you to SharePoint 2010 development and discusses the creation of SharePoint 2010 Web parts, Event receivers & application settings, development of SharePoint 2010 workflows, user interfaces, object model etc. This course also covers advanced topics such as SharePoint as a Developer Platform, working with SharePoint Objects, working with Lists and Libraries, designing and managing features and solutions.

What You'll Learn

After the completion of this course, the participant would be able to:
  • Understand SharePoint 2010
  • Create SharePoint 2010 Web parts, event receivers and application settings
  • Develop workflows, interactive user interfaces, client model objects etc
  • Understand SharePoint 2013
Duration: 24 Hours


  • What is SharePoint?
  • High level features
  • Version history of SharePoint
  • Components in SharePoint (Physical server Architecture)
  • Developers view of SharePoint

  • Hardware & Software requirements
  • Supported browser
  • Types of installation
  • Software to be installed
  • Central administration site
  • Managed accounts
  • Configuration to send and receive E-Mail

  • SharePoint site hierarchy
  • Web application
  • Site collection
  • Creating site and sub-site
  • SharePoint site home page
  • Branding site – look and feel
  • Save site as a template
  • Create site from template

  • Overview of lists/libraries
  • Create custom list/libraries
  • Add custom columns
  • Site columns and groups
  • Sort and filter list
  • Create/manage list view
  • Content type
  • List template
  • Versioning of data
  • Adding documents
  • Document template
  • Check out, edit, and check in files

  • Authentication vs. authorization
  • SharePoint groups
  • Creating custom permissions groups
  • Granting permission to user/groups
  • Creating a custom permission level
  • Binding users/groups and permission level
  • Managing permissions in sub-site
  • Allowing users to create their own site
  • Permissions for Lists/Libraries/List Items

  • Authentication vs. authorization
  • SharePoint groups
  • Creating custom permissions groups
  • Granting permission to user/groups
  • Creating a custom permission level
  • Binding users/groups and permission level
  • Managing permissions in sub-site
  • Allowing users to create their own site
  • Permissions for Lists/Libraries/List Items

  • Authentication vs. authorization
  • SharePoint groups
  • Creating custom permissions groups
  • Granting permission to user/groups
  • Creating a custom permission level
  • Binding users/groups and permission level
  • Managing permissions in sub-site
  • Allowing users to create their own site
  • Permissions for Lists/Libraries/List Items

  • Working of Claims Based Authentication work
  • Using SQL Server Database for authentication using Membership and Role Provider
  • Using Claim based authentication for web applications
  • Allowing anonymous access in a web application
  • Enable form based authentication
  • Editing web.config of web applications, central admin application and STS
  • Zones in SharePoint
  • Creating an Alternate Access Mapping

  • Managing Metadata Service
  • Term, Term sets & Keywords
  • Enterprise Content Type
  • Document sets
  • Document ID Service and IDs
  • Content Organizer and Automatic routing
  • In Place Record Management

  • What is social computing?
  • Managing user profiles
  • User profile service application
  • Synchronization service
  • Working with audience
  • Tags and notes
  • Working with My Site

  • Purpose of Enterprise Search solution
  • Microsoft Server side search products
  • What’s new in SharePoint Search Server 2013/2016
  • Logical architecture for the Enterprise Search Components
  • Setting up Search Service Application
  • Configuring Crawler Settings
  • Queries and Results Settings
  • Creating Keywords, Definitions, Best Bets and Synonyms
  • Creating Search Scopes

  • Overview of Power Shell
  • Pipelining of cmdlets
  • Windows Power Shell Scripts
  • Using .NET Objects
  • SharePoint Power Shell Snap-In
  • Creating/Managing a Web Application
  • Creating/Managing Site Collection and Site

  • Complete backing up of web application
  • Complete restoration of web application
  • Granular backup of site collection
  • Exporting & importing of list

  • Using Microsoft.SharePoint.DLL
  • Site architecture and object overview
  • SPWebApplication, SPSite, SPWeb, SPList and more
  • Sample programs to understand the Object model

  • Introduction to CAML
  • Writing CAML Queries
  • Implementing Join
  • LINQ Introduction
  • LINQ to SharePoint

  • Managing Object Model
  • JavaScript Client Object Model
  • Using SharePoint Web Services in Client Application

  • Visual Studio Project templates for SharePoint 2015/2017
  • Server Explorer, Feature Designer, Package Explorer
  • Building and deploying Solutions in Visual Studio 2015/2017 for SharePoint 2013/2016

  • Creating content type
  • Creating SharePoint List Definition with List Instance
  • Modify the user interface using custom actions

  • SharePoint root directory
  • Features overview
  • Features scope
  • Create a new feature and deploying features using VS2015/VS2017
  • Feature events
  • Manage SharePoint Solution (WSP) using Power Shell commands

  • Event Handlers – before events and after events
  • Event receiver base classes
  • Registering Event Handlers
  • Example of before events
  • Programming after events

  • Overview of Web Parts
  • Web Part page structure
  • Common Web Parts
  • Managing Web Parts
  • Creating custom Web Parts in VS.NET
  • Adding Web Parts to gallery
  • Adding Web Parts to Page from gallery
  • Connecting Web Parts

  • Overview of Workflow
  • Creating Workflow using Web Interface
  • 3 – State
  • Approval
  • Signature
  • Workflow Authoring using SharePoint Designer 2013
  • Workflow Authoring using Visual Studio 2015/2017
  • Managing Workflow Instances in the Farm

  • Creating a BDC Project in VS.NET
  • Working with Entities and Methods
  • Type Descriptor
  • Using Data in external list
  • Granting permissions to the BDC List

  • Form controls
  • Form templates
  • Publishing form to document library

  • SharePoint APPs and its infrastructure
  • App deployment and management
  • Building SharePoint Hosted Apps
  • Building Provider Hosted Apps (Very Important Concept)
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Knowledge of SQL Server administration is beneficial, not mandatory

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