
SharePoint Administration

Duration: 24 Hours
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Understanding SharePoint Administration helps you understand how to configure single and multi-farm servers and service applications. Once configured, you will be presented with various health analyzing techniques to monitor and maintain the server.

What You'll Learn

Upon completion of this training, you should be able to,
  • Install and Configure SharePoint Servers
  • Configure Service Applications
  • Identify issues with the servers and resolve them
  • Create farm/site backups using PowerShell
Duration: 24 Hours


  • Introduction to SharePoint 2010 development
  • Creating SharePoint 2010 web parts
  • Creating event receivers and application settings
  • Developing SharePoint 2010 workflows
  • Developing interactive user interfaces
  • Developing client object model
  • Advanced developments
  • SharePoint as a developer platform
  • Working with SharePoint objects
  • Working with lists and libraries
  • Designing and managing features and solutions
  • Working with server-side code
  • Managing identity and permissions
  • Managing custom components and site lifecycles
  • Introducing apps for SharePoint

  • SharePoint Foundation Architecture
  • SharePoint 15 Product SKUs
  • What’s New in SharePoint 2013
  • Windows PowerShell Primer

  • Hardware Requirements
  • Installing Prerequisite Software
  • Creating Dedicated Service Accounts
  • Installing SharePoint Server 2013
  • Creating the Farm and Configuration Database

  • Understanding Farm Topologies
  • Configuring Managed Accounts
  • Managing Timer Jobs
  • Creating and Configuring Service Applications by hand
  • Creating and Configuring Service Applications using PowerShell

  • The Fundamentals of Claims-based Security
  • Configuring Integrated Windows Authentication with Kerberos vs. NTLM
  • Configuring Forms-based Authentication (FBA)
  • Outsourcing User Management to External Identity Providers such as Windows Live
  • Configuring a Trust to the Windows Azure Access Control Service (ACS)

  • Creating New Web Applications
  • Configuring Web Application
  • Managing Content Databases
  • Creating Site Collections
  • Configuring Self-service Site Collections

  • Callbacks: Error-first
  • Errors in Event Emitters
  • Uncaught Exceptions
  • Using Domains

  • Site Templates
  • Capacity Planning
  • Site Collection Security
  • Understanding Tenancies
  • Configuring Subscriptions

  • BCS Architecture External Data Sources
  • Creating and Configuring External Contents Types
  • Configuring Profile Pages and External Lists
  • BCS Enhancements involving OData Support
  • Using The Secure Store Service to configure Advanced Authentication Technique

  • Overview of the Managed Metadata Service
  • Enhancing the Managed Metadata Service in SharePoint 2013
  • Creation and Management of Term Sets, Terms as well as Taxonomies
  • Working with Document Sets
  • Configuring site collection as Content Type Publishing Hub

  • Overview of User Profiles and Social Networking
  • Create and Configuring a User Profile Service Application (UPA)
  • Create and Configuring The User Profile Synchronization Service (UPS)
  • Creating and configuring Audiences
  • Creating and Managing My Sites
  • Understanding User Task Synchronization using the Work Management Service

  • The New Unified Search Architecture of SharePoint 2013
  • Creating and Configuring Content Sources
  • Understanding the Content Processing Pipeline
  • Introduction to Result Sources, Result Types and Query Rules
  • Working with Managed Properties

  • The Developer Dashboard
  • Working with ULS Logs
  • The Logging Database
  • Health Analyzer and Usage Reporting
  • Timer Jobs and Server Affinity
  • The New Request Manager in SharePoint 2013

  • Deploying Farm solutions and Sandboxed Solutions and managing them
  • A brief into the new SharePoint App Model
  • Configuring the SharePoint App Authentication with OAuth
  • Configuring the SharePoint App Authentication with Server-to-server (S2S) Trusts

  • Versioning and Restoring Documents
  • Configuring Recycle Bin Behavior
  • Backup and Restore of site collections, Content Database and Farms
  • Preparing for Disaster Recovery
  • Recovering the Farm After Server Failure

  • Upgrade Concepts and Terminology
  • Deprecated Upgrade Techniques from SharePoint 2010
  • Preparing for Database Attach
  • Migrating Content
  • Comparing the SharePoint 2010 UI Mode and SharePoint 2013 UI Mode
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There are no specific prerequisites for the course; however, a basic knowledge of ASP.NET will be beneficial

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