
Self-Paced Big Data Hadoop Developer Training

Duration: 36 Hours
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Self-Paced Big Data Hadoop Developer Certification
Become an expert in Hadoop by acquiring knowledge on MapReduce, Hadoop architecture, Pig & Hive, Oozie, Flume and Apache Workflow Scheduler. Also, get familiar with Hbase, Zookeeper and Sqoop concepts, while working on industry-based use-cases and projects.

Big Data Hadoop Developer Course Summary
The Collabera Big Data Hadoop Developer course delivers the key concepts and expertise necessary to create robust data processing applications using Apache Hadoop. In-depth knowledge of core concepts will be covered in the course along with implementation efforts based on various industry use cases. The course equips participants to work on the Hadoop environment with ease, and learn vital components such as Zookeeper, Oozie, Flume, Sqoop, Spark, Mongo, Cassandra, and Neo4J.

What You'll Learn

Where does Cognixia Training add value?

As the trend of Big Data is getting bigger and popular with volume, variety, and velocity, the demand of certified IT Hadoop professionals equipped with the right skills to process Big Data through Hadoop is increasing among Fortune 500 companies. This implausible rush has significantly created an increase in the career scope for certified professionals in comparison to their non-certified peers. Cognixia certification and enterprise-class intense training addresses this issue by assuring delivery of key concepts and expertise necessary for developers to create robust data processing applications using Apache Hadoop. At the end of Cognixia training in Big Data & Hadoop, participants will be able to:
  • Write complex MapReduce codes in both MRv1 & MRv2 (Yarn) and understand the concepts of the Hadoop framework and its deployment in a cluster environment
  • Perform analytics and learn high-level scripting frameworks – Pig and Hive
  • Get an in depth understanding of the Big Data ecosystem and its advanced components like Oozie, Flume, and Apache Workflow Scheduler
  • Be familiar with advanced concepts like Hbase, Zookeeper and Sqoop
  • Get hands-on experience in different configuration environments of a Hadoop cluster
  • Know about optimization and troubleshooting
  • Acquire in-depth knowledge of Hadoop Architecture by learning about Hadoop Distribution File System operations principles (vHDFS 1.0 & vHDFS 2.0).
  • Get hands-on practice with lab exercises based on real-life industry-based projects.


Most Big Data software runs on Linux, so a knowledge of Linux is a must for those interested in getting into the various aspects of Big Data. Expertise in Linux is not required, but a basic knowledge of Linux is a must. The Linux sessions will cover just enough concepts around Ubuntu for an aspirant to quickly get started with Big Data.

With the pre-requisites complete, now is the time to jump into Big Data. Before jumping into the technical aspects, participants are given a holistic view about Big Data. This will help them plan their career path and also work efficiently in various work environments.

Data is everywhere and we are constantly generating a lot of data which needs to be stored. HDFS stands for Hadoop Distributed File System, which allows for the storage of huge amounts of data in a cost-effective manner. This session will cover what HDFS is all about, the architecture, and how to interface with it

Once data has been stored in HDFS, now is the time to process the data. There are many ways to process the data, and MapReduce, which has been introduced by Google, is one of the earliest and the most popular modes. We will look into how to develop, debug, optimize, and deploy MapReduce programs in different languages.

MapReduce from the previous session is a big verbose, and it’s quite difficult to write programs in MapReduce. That’s why, Yahoo started a software called Pig for data processing. Programs in Pig are compact and are easy to write. This is the reason most companies pick Pig compared to MapReduce for programming. This session will look at the Pig programming model.

Similar to Pig by Yahoo, Hive was developed by Facebook as an alternate to the MapReduce processing model. Like Pig, Hive also provides developer productivity when compared to MapReduce. The good thing about Hive is that it provides an SQL-like interface, so it’s easier to write programs.

NoSQL are the databases for Big Data. There are more than 125+ NoSQL databases and they have been categorized into the following types – KeyValue databases (Accumulo, Dynamo, Riak, etc.), Columnar databases (HBase, Cassandra, etc.), Document databases (Mongo, Couch, etc.) – Graph databases (Neo4j, Flock, etc.). In this session, we will look into what NoSQL is all about, their characteristics, and what NoSQL performs better when compared to RDBMS. We will also look at HBase in detail.

Hadoop started the Big Data revolution, but there are a lot of software programs besides Hadoop, which either address the limitations of Hadoop or try to augment Hadoop. In this session, we will look at some of them. Key Topics: – Zookeeper, Oozie, Flume, Sqoop, Spark, Mongo, Cassandra, Neo4J

The course is mainly geared from a developer’s perspective, so it mainly deals with how to use particular software than the installation aspect of it. This section will briefly touch upon the administrative aspects of Big Data. Key Topics: – Theory on how the Big Data Virtual Machine has been created – Introduction to Cloud – Demo of the creation of the Cloudera CDH cluster on the Amazon AWS Cloud

In the above sessions, it was all about how individual software programs work. In the Proof of Concepts (POC) module, we will see how the individual software programs can be integrated, and what can be done as a whole. The POC will be close to real-life use cases as in the case of Amazon, eBay, Google, and other big companies. The POCs will give the participants an idea of how Big Data software programs have to be integrated, and also how they are used to solve actual problems. For the POC section, there will be close to 3 hours of discussion and practice. An Internet connection is required for the participants to work on the POC.
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While there are no pre-requisites for this course, a working knowledge of core Java concepts and an understanding of fundamental Linux commands are expected.


Yes, the course completion certificate is provided once you successfully complete the training program. You will be evaluated on parameters such as attendance in sessions, an objective examination, and other factors. Based on your overall performance, you will be certified by Cognixia.

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