

Duration: 16 Hours
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Be proficient in testing any application software developed for mobile phones, gain hands-on experience in mobile app testing to decipher mobile-related glitches on the cloud labs while learning from industry experts, by enrolling for this course on Appium and master the entire process of Mobile Application Testing to meet any organization’s needs

What You'll Learn

Upon completion of this course, participants would be able to –
  • Implement test approaches and techniques to find mobile-related problems
  • Understand the complexity of mobile devices to your advantage while testing
  • Command tools and approaches to log bugs, diagnose problems and emulate real-world conditions
  • Execute hands-on approaches and techniques that can be directly applied to real, live projects
  • Implement application testing on mobile devices
  • Implement end to end mobile application testing
  • Test features on mobile devices
Duration: 24 Hours


  • Introduction to Mobile automation testing
  • Selenium 3.0 and APIs
  • Automation for IOS and Android devices
  • Running the scripts on Emulators
  • Running the scripts on Real devices
  • Various tools available for Mobile automation testing
  • Understanding the API Levels and Appium Concepts
  • Client/Server Architecture, Session, Desired Capabilities, Appium Server and Appium Clients

  • Pre-requisite for starting with Appium
  • Supported Java versions
  • Configuring environment variables
  • Downloading and Installing JDK
  • Downloading and installing Maven on Windows
  • Downloading Android SDK
  • Taking a look at available Android Virtual Devices

  • Visiting Appium.exe
  • Downloading Appium for Windows
  • Downloading Appium jars and other dependencies
  • Configuring SDK Manager
  • Downloading different Android API levels
  • Setting up Android environment variables
  • Downloading Appium GUI Tool
  • Understanding Application path, Package & Launch Activity
  • Starting Appium Server
  • Running a sample test

  • Understanding Desired capabilities class
  • Draw out Packages and Activities information of pre and post installed apps
  • Downloading Appium Maven Dependencies
  • Adding Device Name
  • Connecting real device to USB and running ADB commands

  • Starting the Appium server through code / programmatically on Windows
  • Downloading Appium Maven Dependencies
  • Stopping the Appium server
  • Kill all nodes

  • Opening UI Automator Viewer through SDK tools kit
  • Understanding different locator strategies
  • Taking the Device screenshot
  • Device screenshot with Compressed hierarchy
  • Understanding the different locator tags

  • What is Appium Inspector?
  • How and when to run it?
  • Record and Play using Appium Inspector
  • Locating elements with the help of Appium Inspector
  • Inspector will only run with active session

  • What is object repository?
  • How to use object repository in framework
  • What is the use of maintain Object repository
  • Types of creating object repository

  • Execution with ANT
  • Execution with Maven
  • Execution with Continuous Integration tool i.e., Jenkins

  • Locating Elements on the App
  • What all can be locatable
  • Locating elements within elements
  • Locating multiple elements
  • Find Element By Android UI Automator
  • Exploring UI Automator API
  • Finding Elements by Class Name
  • Finding Elements by ids
  • Finding Elements by X paths
  • Using different functions inside UI Automator class
  • Exercises

  • Make a call with Internal Dialer Application
  • Add contacts to Phonebook
  • Send SMS from a real device
  • Automate a standard App
  • Handle user gestures
  • Automate Web based testing on Chrome Browser
  • Automate the mobile messaging app

  • JUnit Introduction
  • JUnit Annotations
  • JUnit Implementation in Selenium RC/ Web Driver Scripts
  • TestNG Introduction
  • TestNG Annotations
  • TestNG Implementation in Selenium RC/ Web Driver Scripts
  • Difference between JUnit and TestNG

  • Setting up Java Environment in windows platform
  • Object – Oriented Programming Concepts
  • Classes and Objects, Interfaces , Encapsulation, Access and Non-Access Modifiers
  • Variables , Methods and Arrays
  • Inheritance, Abstraction and Polymorphism
  • Collections , loop concepts and if-else statements
  • File I/O, Exception Handling , Code Debugging and Java API Understanding
  • Practice Programs in the Java Concepts
  • JDBC – Database Testing Introduction
  • Handling Sql Server database using JDBC scripts
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Prior exposure to mobile devices and software testing is beneficial though not mandatory

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