

Duration: 32 Hours
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Titanium is an open source mobile application development framework to create native applications across diverse mobile devices – Android, iOS and more, as well as for hybrid applications with the use of CSS/HTML and JavaScript. This training course offers an open source SDK, Alloy, an MVC framework, Studio, a powerful Eclipse-based IDE and Cloud Services for a ready to use app development and mobile backend.

What You'll Learn

This course is designed for the developers who want to learn cross-platform application development for iOS, Android and BlackBerry devices. Duration: 32 Hours


  •  Introduction to Appcelerator Titanium
  •  Advantages of Appcelerator Titanium
  •  Downloading and installing Appcelerator Titanium
  •  Setting up the environment
  •  Hello world Example

  • Intro to HTML, CSS & JavaScript
  •  HTML5 tags overview
  •  HTML5 for mobile development & advantages
  •  JavaScript overview

  • Design GUI
  • Creating of View or Presentation Layer
  • Create view, windows, tabs and User Interface like buttons, textbox, table view etc
  • Navigation between different entities
  • ControlEvent

  • Hardware APIs
  • 4 Introduction to hardware interfacing using JavaScript
  • Hardware APIs available in Appcelerator Titanium
  • Camera
  • Getting to know about camera API
  • Accessing device camera
  • Accelerometer
  • Getting to know about accelerometer API
  • Accessing device accelerometer using the accelerometer object
  • Captures device motion in the x, y, and z direction

  • Working with configuration layout
  • Creating custom layout
  • Element and helpers

  • Storing data in cake session.
  • Reading a session data
  • Delete data from session
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Basic Knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript is needed

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    Pattern figure
    Ripple wave