
Jenkins User Boot Camp

Live Classroom
Duration: 2 days
Live Virtual Classroom
Duration: 2 days
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enkins is a community tool leader in the open source world for practicing continuous integration and delivery. This hands-on Jenkins training course is targeted towards engineering and development teams, enabling them to master the skills required for running a successful enterprise CI/CD practice. The course provides an immersive learning environment for the participants enabling them to return to work ready to immediately use everything Jenkins has to offer.

The course is available for both the open source and the CloudBees platform versions of Jenkins.

What You'll Learn

  • Update your Agile Knowledge
  • Automate your Software Delivery Pipeline with Jenkins
  • Implement CI/CD with Jenkins
  • Integrate Jenkins with Git / GitHub
  • Take your Agile Teams to the next level with Jenkins
  • Reduce integration issues
  • Improve code quality
  • Manage plugins within the Jenkins platform
  • Build and automate deployments
  • Learn to use GitHub with Jenkins
  • Review and implement best practices for Jenkins Pipeline Plugin


  • What is Jenkins, CI & CD and how can Jenkins help a business?
  • Introduction to Jenkins and its use for CI best practices
  • Feature overview: Open-source Jenkins
  • Example deployment approaches: Dedicated hardware, Docker, AWS

  • The Agile Manifesto
  • Success with Scaling Agile
  • Agile Management Tools
  • Implementation of common tools

  • Key components of Jenkins
  • Jobs in Jenkins
  • Projects in Jenkins
  • Builds in Jenkins
  • Views
  • Jenkins Templates and modular jobs

  • Pipeline (Mainly these plugins – Input Step, Basic Steps, Build Step, Job, Groovy
  • Docker Pipelines & Commons
  • Using parameters and credentials with plugins
  • Choice parameters
  • Conditional Build Steps
  • GitHub
  • NodeJS
  • Terraform
  • Amazon Web Services & EC2 Container Services plugins
  • Notifications

  • A Git example
  • Jenkins and best SCM practices with Github
  • Using Jenkins for Optimizing and Measuring Code Quality Code
  • Code Coverage Metrics
  • Running and using Builds

  • Adding Parameters
  • Passing Parameter Values
  • Executing a Parameterized Build
  • Jenkins credentials

  • Deploying code
    • Servers, Clients, and Workstations
    • Docker & AWS Containers
    • Terraform
  • Integrating automated tests (e.g.: Cucumber tests and any other) in Builds and Deployment jobs with Pipeline
  • Include Jenkins integration with JFrog Artifactory (DJ use Artifactory for different use cases, including storing Docker images and registries)

  • Detecting the source of a build failure
  • Troubleshooting Jenkins Builds
  • Build failure Analyzer
  • Build log scanning
  • Git Timeouts

  • Folders
  • Folders Plus

  • Validated merges
  • Using GitHub for validated merges
  • Pull-Request Builder for GitHub
  • Templates

  • Pipeline development tools
  • Pipeline plug-in
  • Trigger a pipeline
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Who should attend

The course is highly recommended for –

  • Software developers
  • Project managers
  • Quality assurance professionals
  • Software testers
  • Product owners
  • Business intelligence professionals
  • Infrastructure engineers
  • Development team members
  • Operations team members


There are no prerequisites for this course, however, it would be beneficial for participants to complete the Fundamentals of DevOps course prior to taking up this course.

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