Internet of Things: Significance and Relevance
IoT includes several things like a router, modem, and smartphone. Nowadays, starting with cell phone...

Why Businesses Cannot Ignore The Internet Of Things
“Companies across industries are connecting their devices to the internet to improve their service...

Coping with Innovation & Disruption in the Cognitive Era of Enterprises
The technology landscape is ever-changing. Tools, languages, and platforms arrive, affect, and advan...

Appraisal-Ready Workforce with Emerging Technologies
In this competitive technology world, it is imperative to keep oneself up-to-date with the latest tr...

Cognixia plays a prominent role in training workforce for the IoT revolution
Would you believe me if I told you that there are more devices connected to the internet than there ...

How will IoT Shape the Future?
Everyone, from consumers to corporates, is embracing the changes brought by the revolution called th...

Magic of IoT in Smart Manufacturing
There is hardly any industry left that is not touched by the magic of IoT. Since the time it was int...

Why Knowledge of IoT (Internet of Things) is Essential
In layman’s term, the internet of things or IoT means the way, how computing devices can be pu...

The Rise of Internet of Things IoT
The electronics and IT world are oozing smartness from all corners. Any device or appliance that is ...

IoT and Environment Monitoring
The Internet of Things has come a long way within a short span. It has changed so much in so little ...