The Harvard Business Review says, “Data Science is the sexiest job of the 21st century”
Data Science is aimed at analyzing and comprehending actual phenomena backed up by data, in different fields as diverse as one could think of. It is an inter-disciplinary field that embraces many other fields such as mathematics, statistics, computer science, data mining, machine learning, database management and visualization.
This webinar aims to discuss the concepts of Data Science project life cycle using real world case study, and engage with the participants about:
- Introduction to Data Science
- Data Science project lifecycle using CRISP DM Model
- Real world case study on Machine Learning
The speaker is an industry veteran with vast experience in the fields of data warehousing, ETL, business intelligence, data science, machine learning and analytics. He has an expertise in logical data modeling, physical data modeling, enterprise data modeling, data quality, and data science analysis. So jot down your questions and discuss with an industry practitioner.
All active participants of the webinar would get a certificate of participation from Cognixia.